Pashupalan Loan Scheme in Gujarati

Pashupalan Loan Scheme: Approximately Rs. 275/- or fodder minikits of Rs.400/- with 100% subsidy. ANH-9 – A farmer needs to own land to get Minikitus. – It is necessary to show the local livestock inspector-veterinary officer as well as the technical officer-staff of the department after making the plot.

To record the weight of the fodder produced after harvesting to the veterinary officer or livestock inspector and to demonstrate the benefits of the plot to other farmers in the village – It is necessary to have drinking facility.

Goats unit assistance

Rs. 60,000/- 50% of the unit price or a maximum of Rs. 30,000/- whichever is less (ANH-12) or Rs. 2,40,000/- 50% of the unit price or a maximum of Rs. 1,20,000/- whichever is less (ANH-13).

ANH-12 Assistance for establishment of Goat Unit (10+1) for Scheduled Caste/Women and General Category People ANH-13 Assistance for establishment of Goat Unit (40+4) for Widow-Abandoned Women Beneficiaries of Anu. Jan Caste Conditions: – Selection of beneficiaries and implementation will be done through the concerned Zilla Panchayat.

For purchase of goats under this scheme, Taluka level local purchase committee shall be formed by District Panchayat (Animal Husbandry) and purchase of goats shall be done through the Purchase Committee.

Beneficiaries under this scheme will have to bear 50% of the cost of food, fodder, accommodation and mining. – This unit shall be maintained for three years under normal circumstances. Milk production note to beneficiaries

Manned chaffcutter assistance

Rs. 1000/- 75% of the unit price or a maximum of Rs. 750/- whichever is less. ANH-9 All the farmer-pastoralists who keep cattle can avail the benefit of this scheme.

Assistance for construction of kettle shed, manger, water tank and water bucket

Rs. 30,000/- 50% of the unit price or a maximum of Rs. 15,000/- whichever is less. ANH-9 Only those farmers-pastoralists who keep cattle and have their own land which can be converted into cattleshed can benefit from this scheme.

Support for mining

75% of the grain requirement of the last three months of pregnancy for a maximum of one animal or a maximum of Rs. 2000 worth of mine in kind. – The beneficiary will be eligible to get the benefit of the scheme per one pregnant animal. – Three to four kg daily during the last three months of pregnancy. Donation should be given accordingly. – According to 5%, the grain has to be collected by the herdsman himself. – Cattle propagated by artificial insemination should be given priority in the scheme.

Interest subsidy for establishment of dairy farm

Unit Cost (Jafrabadi Buffalo Rs.37,000/-, Bunny Buffalo Rs.38,000/-, Surti Buffalo Rs.30,100/-, Mehsani Buffalo Rs.32,200/-, Gir Cow Rs.22,200/- , Kankerage cow Rs. 19,700/-, HF cow Rs. 33,200/-, Jersey cow Rs. 28,200/-) or the annual interest on the amount loaned by the bank whichever is less.

100% interest subsidy for 1 (one) to 4 (four) cow-buffalo units against a maximum interest rate of 12%. – Beneficiary has to maintain the unit for at least five years. – Beneficiary should have loan granted by Nationalized Bank and Reserve Bank of India approved financial institution for setting up the unit – After purchase of milch cattle for the unit, the certificate of completion of the unit should be issued by the implementing organization of the scheme.

Only then, the process of depositing the amount of interest assistance in the loan accounts of the beneficiaries in half-yearly installments in the months of June and December should be carried out.

At the applicant’s own expense – the scheme implementing organization will first have to prepare a unit report from the concerned bank in the prescribed form – as required by the bank. – If a beneficiary becomes a defaulter (overdue more than three installments at a time) during the interim period, interest subsidy will not be available for that period and on the defaulter amount.

Poultry unit assistance

Rs. 6000/- 75% of the unit price or a maximum of Rs. 4500/- whichever is less in the form of bird assistance (25 RIR bird units) or Rs. 36,000/- 75% of the unit price or a maximum of Rs. 27,000/- whichever is less in the form of poultry assistance (100 broiler poultry unit (assistance for establishment of 100 broiler farms).

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